Browse Author by Ben Ngapo
Ben Ngapo is an adventurer, ecologist, and writer. His natural habitat includes remote volcanic islands and oceanic cities. When not writing about his twin passions, human health and ecosystem appreciation, he can be found on the road less traveled.

Wishing you a Happy Holidays for 2017

Images by Guilherme Stecanella

Happy holidays!

2017 has been such an interesting year. I think that the best thing I learned in ’17 was that people are very wonderful. I have been so fortunate to spend time with many amazing people this year, and they all have one thing in common: they do not see how brilliant they really are. I think people are far more than their job or their education, or wealth or Continue Reading

Depression, How To, Learn, Mindset

Learning to recognise depression and build a ramp out of it.

Images by Ricardo Gomez Angel 

This article teaches how-to recognise and get out of depression using a strategy called ramping. Depression is frustrating: it draws my energy away and eats up whatever momentum I had. Depression is a landscape of heavy gravity, inertia, and greyness. Depression in the media is sometimes portrayed as deep sadness but for me it is more of a nihilistic numbness: my world feels small, dark, and utterly inconsequential. Continue Reading

Depression, Learn, Mania, Mindset

Don’t ever forget how amazing you are!

Image by Gabriel Silvério on Unsplash

People can be so courageous. Living with bipolar is hard, whatever the intensity. When you add in careers, relationships, families, goals, dreams to live up to; the illness permeates everything. This means that sometimes everything in life can become a little bit harder, or a lot harder, or maybe it becomes absolutely insurmountable. Nonetheless we try. Continue Reading


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Depression, How To, Learn, Mania

Five priorities for creating a healthy bipolar life.

Images by Adi Goldstein

We cannot make progress unless we act on the importance of our well-being to prioritise bipolar health. I was once offered an amazing opportunity to work for a whole year on an isolated tropical island in the pacific ocean, thousands of miles distant from any civilisation. This island is an active volcano, we experienced thousands of earthquakes, and were bruised by intense sub-tropical storms. With a population of only seven, we had to be able to cope independently.

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Depression, Learn, Mania, Mindset

The six episodic phases of bipolar disorder

Images by Ben Blennerhassett

I have read dozens of definitions of bipolar, previously known as manic-depression, over the past decade. I have heard it described as a mood disorder, a brain disease, a mental illness, brain damage, even karma. What I have learned is that bipolar is unique to each individual: everybody has a different experience with it, and at the core bipolar is highly personal. Continue Reading


About KindBipolar

Hi! I’m Ben and I need your help. 
I need your help to cure bipolar disorder.
Not for me, I have that covered, but for others who are struggling.

About Me
I was diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder ten years ago. Being diagnosed terrified me not because of the illness itself but because it was known to be lifelong, chronic, and incurable.

It wasn’t until years later that a specialist on bipolar told me something amazing: some people who initially struggle with bipolar disorder learn to manage it so well that it no longer has a negative effect on their lives. He told me this because he thought that I was on my way to becoming one of these people, that I was learning how to cure myself.

This changed my worldview about illness and got me thinking. What was I actually doing to manage my bipolar? Were the skills and techniques I used specific to me, or could anyone use them? Was it possible to teach these skills to help others manage bipolar?

My Goal

I want to help people learn to cure their bipolar quickly. I want to teach people in one year what it took me a decade to learn. This is what I am working towards each day. My strategy for doing this is by developing easy-to-learn practice based cures.

  • A Practice Based Cure means practicing good techniques that alleviate bipolar symptoms.
  • These techniques become increasingly more effective as we get better at practicing them.
  • Eventually we can become so skilled at doing the techniques that we are successfully released from bipolar symptoms, and our bipolar becomes benign.

Through KindBipolar I make education on bipolar disorder freely available, focusing on skills and management techniques. My goal is to make KindBipolar the most useful and accessible platform for bipolar in the world. Please consider becoming a supporter of this work.

Become a Supporter.



Depression, How To, Learn, Mania

When your emotional compass is broken, steer by kindness.

Images by Priscilla Du Preez

What do you do when you can no longer trust what your heart is telling you?

I remember standing in a park, with the girl I loved, watching her simply being herself. I was completely filled by hurt and rage. She hadn’t done anything, but my body was shaking with anger. My heart was poisoned by resentment and I remember exploding in a wrathful way, a way which was designed to hurt the one I love. Continue Reading