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KindBipolar Contents Page

Here is an updated suggested reading order for the articles on KindBipolar.
Please enjoy the writing and accompanying photographs.
Articles including techniques are marked.

1. Don’t ever forget how amazing you are. 
In recognition and appreciation of everyone who lives with mental illness.

2. The Myth of Dry Land. 
A personal account of accepting changes to gain control over bipolar disorder.

3. The six episodic states of bipolar disorder.
Euthymia, Major Depressive Disorder, Subsyndromal Symptomatic Depression, Mania, and Hypomania. These five episodic states are described and personal experiences of each are shared.

4. Getting Diagnosed Part 1: a Fork in the Road.
Describes my own fear of diagnosis and my step by step experience of becoming diagnosed, including medication. I discuss how being diagnosed with bipolar suddenly changed my life.

5. Getting Diagnosed Part 2: My Self in Society.
Describing aspects of human rights, confidentiality, and privacy in society and at work. I examine how the diagnosis has changed the way I relate to other people and myself.

6. When your emotional compass is broken, steer by kindness.
Technique. The first KindBipolar article. An important technique for making good decisions, taking safe actions, and communicating during intense bipolar episodes.

7. Five priorities for creating a healthy bipolar life.
Technique. Sleep. Exercise. Empty Time. Real Communication. Self Kindness. These five things enable me to live a healthy, happy, and productive life even without medication.

8. Learning to recognise depression and build a ramp out of it.
Technique. Describes my experience of depression and how to recognise that it is happening. Teaches a simple technique for gradually and safely climbing out of depressive episodes based on easy daily actions.

9. Figuring it out and becoming well over the long term.
This article focuses on the mindset needed to beat bipolar in the long term. Cultivating the will to survive. Setting real expectations. Creating a sustainable life. Building up tools, skills, knowledge, and kindness. Nurturing good relationships. Dealing with failure.

10. Stability One: A Practice Based Cure.
Multiple techniques.
 This is the first must-read article that offers a foundation and strategy for managing bipolar disorder.

11. Manage Manic Episodes: BAIL.
Brakes – Avoid Stimulation – Isolate at Home – Limit Communication. A recipe for quickly and effectively ending a manic episode or hypomania.

12. Quiz – Finding your Phase in Bipolar.
Technique. Utilizes a quiz to help people learn the skills of self-reflection and pattern-recognition.