How To, Learn, Mindset

Quiz – Finding your Phase in Bipolar.

Featured image by Himesh Kumar Behera

Take our free 2-minute bipolar specific quiz to practice the skills of self-reflection and pattern-recognition. 

Knowing which of the six phases of bipolar we are in empowers us to stay mentally well.  Successfully locating ourselves in the bipolar cycle requires that we develop sensitivity to our emotions and energy levels. In practice this means reflecting on our day and trying to identify how our energy and emotions are shaping our perspective, choices, and actions.

The other key skill is pattern-recognition: finding the connections between life events and our well-being. Some stuff (or thoughts, or jobs, or people) contributes to our health, and other stuff harms us. If we can tell which is which then we can fill our time with more of the good stuff, and become healthier.

To help you learn and practice these skills have created the following 2-minute bipolar specific quiz. This quiz is free, anonymous, and doesn’t require an email address.

Please click the image to open the Phase-Finder quiz.


I hope this article is useful to you, thank you for reading it! I believe that these articles will help to educate people with bipolar and give them skills for a future of mental wellness, not mental illness. Please consider Supporting KindBipolar and joining our email list (we never send spam). Be kind to yourself and have a great day.

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