
Wishing you a Happy Holidays for 2017

Images by Guilherme Stecanella

Happy holidays!

2017 has been such an interesting year. I think that the best thing I learned in ’17 was that people are very wonderful. I have been so fortunate to spend time with many amazing people this year, and they all have one thing in common: they do not see how brilliant they really are. I think people are far more than their job or their education, or wealth or number of followers. Everybody is striving in their own way to create the life that they want for themselves, and to get better at whatever is important to them; be it business, or art, competing, adventuring, learning, or raising a child. It is easy to lose focus of ourselves, especially in the busy and considerably commercialised holiday season.

Please take some time to reflect on the year and the important relationships in your life. I believe the relationships that we create and nurture with each other are the most precious things in life. The same can be said of the relationship that we develop with ourselves, and this is usually the most complex of all. Take a look down the long road of the last year and see how far you have come. Whether it was hard or easy, happy or horrible, we all have covered considerable time and distance. Take a good look and learn to recognise things you have done which have worked for you this year, and those things that have only brought you grief. By slowly developing a brave, accepting, precise yet deeply kind, view of ourselves and how we relate to our wider worlds; we may begin to see opportunities to make meaningful changes. It is always worth slowing down and reflecting honestly.

Most of all I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been supportive of me this year. I have a lot of love for you all, and I appreciate your sincere friendship very very much.

Don’t forget that the holiday season can be a difficult and emotional time for many people. This is why it is so important to keep ourselves open, keep a light of hope burning, and to relate with genuine kindness for the sake of ourselves and those we come into contact with.

Have a lovely new year, be safe, and don’t forget to have a little fun too.


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